Sculpting Tomorrow: Crafting a Purpose-Driven Future
10th Annual Conference
May 9, 2024
The objective of our conference this year is to foster a holistic approach to postdoctoral life and career development, to create a supportive community committed to overall well-being and success of postdoctoral fellows at Hopkins. We want to empower postdocs with resources for crafting meaningful career paths, promote work-life balance, address diverse aspects of well-being and emphasize resilience for personal and professional growth.
The conference this year is in-person!
Venue: Johns Hopkins University, Turner Concourse and Turner Auditorium, 720 Rutland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21205
Registration is now closed.
Keynote speaker:
Dr. Ebony McGee

Dr. Ebony McGee of Johns Hopkins University is a Professor of Innovation and Inclusion in the STEM Ecosystem in the School of Education and the Department of Mental Health under the School of Public Health. Dr. McGee is an electrical engineer by training and an 11-time NSF investigator awardee. She is the leading expert on race and structural racism in STEM, with all its toxic consequences and the growing resistance to the traditional STEM ecosystem. This includes the experiences and mental health consequences of seeking STEM training and occupations for Black and other minoritized students and professionals. She also investigates the limits of resiliency, wellness, and career embeddedness in the STEM ecosystem. She founded Racial Revolutionary and Inclusive Guidance for Health Throughout STEM (R-RIGHTS) and co-founded the Explorations in Diversifying Engineering Faculty Initiative (EDEFI), as well as the Institute in Critical Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies Training for Underrepresented Scholars (ICQCM), with support from the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and the WT Grant Foundation.
Links to learn more about Dr. McGee’s work:
Personal Website: https://www.ebonymcgeephd.com/
Visit the R-RIGHTS website at https://r-rights.org/
Visit the ICQCM website at https://www.icqcm.org/
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ebony-mcgee-b0328211/
X (Formerly Twitter): @RelationshipGAP